Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Sad Farewell

For two days it has been rainy, damp and gray here. Everyone has been wondering around kind of sad and lost. I could hear the big girls singing, preparing for the service. I have never seen such mud, and this is the time of year it's supposed to be warm and sunny. There's no hot water, I feel dirty, emotionally drained and just plain missing Ken. Just about everyday for 8 months I have checked on him and cared for him. There is a huge hole in my heart and in my day.
Today was his funeral, woke up to rain again. They brought his body back to Nyumbani in a plain little wooden coffin about 9:15 this morning. Mum Terry, Sr. Julie, myself and cottage D escorted it into the school room. The kids came from all over the compound and took their seats, with us closest to Ken. The music was haunting and sad, the tears flowed down their faces. These kids have been through so much loss, have so much uncertainty in their lives. The older kids have seen so many children die, they all fear they will be next. Fr. Ludwig did a great service, he cried too. The D kids did the readings, you would have been proud of how they did. Some of us said prayers, I prayed for all the volunteers all over the world who came to know and love Ken's spirit and light, that they continue to feel it and spread it, so that he is remembered and never forgotten around the world.
At the end of the service they opened this little door on top of the coffin and you could look through a little pane of glass at his face. That was weird. The kids all filed by, looking, rubbing their hands on the wood. When it was just the adults in the room Protus opened the coffin, (closed only by a hook and eye lock.) and I put in his DC hat, a letter I wrote him and a picture of his DC aunties.
Then we headed to the cemetery, about a 20 minute drive away. He got another ride in the new truck! When we arrived there we saw his open grave, in a children's section, 4 more empty ones waiting. It is row upon row of wooden crosses with children's names, sometimes only first names, often only the year of birth because they have been abandoned and nobody knew their birthday.
We sang and prayed, then everyone shoveled dirt. Most touching was the men of Nyumbani, the drivers, staff, how lovingly they filled in the grave,smoothed out the top, we placed all our flowers on it and then we left. How hard to leave him behind.
I gave Ignatius, his best friend, his watch from Susanne. He was so proud and touched, I don't think he will ever take it off either.
And now, life goes on. Thank you for all your support, it's meant a lot.


Anonymous said...

Dear Susan,
How sad to have lost a friend. What a blessing you were in each other's lives even so briefly.
Thank you for your prayers and please send my thanks to the children who also prayed for us. I am sure their prayers are carried especially swiftly by angels. Tanner is home and doing well. The final pathology showed a benign cyst. As you see every day, there were so many children in the hospital to be loved and prayed for.
Thank you for the joy and comfort you are bringing to all you work with. with love, Kathie Scanlon, Tanner and Audrey Froats

B P said...

Hello Susan,

I found your blog online. I have no idea how I happened upon it but I have been reading it for several weeks now and I spent some time this weekend going back and reading it from the beginning. Thank you so much for posting your story (these childrens' stories) on the internet.

I just want to tell you I am sorry for your loss. Ken sounds like a special boy. At least he was in a place of peace and care before he passed on. You and Ken in Africa touched my heart here in Virginia.

Thanks and take care,

Anonymous said...

Aunt Susan,
I love you and have been thinking about you and Ken. Today I will light a candle at the grotto for him.

Lauren said...

Hey, Lady!

So sorry for the loss you and all there have suffered. I know all these kids mean the world to you, but Ken held a special place in your heart. I think it was right along side all the Sams!

I am always thinking of you!

Love and miss,

p.s. Good news from the home front: Noah is 11 weeks old and has almost doubled his birth weight! 14+ lbs!