Monday, April 20, 2009

Don't Worry! New Name!

I decided to update everything, you're not lost! I hope you all continue to read the blog. I will be more faithful with my updating. I'll keep you up to date on the happenings in Kenya and also news about HIV in the USA.


We drove here yesterday, took 11 hours! These kids put American kids to shame, not one fight in the back seat, not one "are we there yet?" or "how much longer?" They don't even ask to stop to go to the bathroom!
Friday we stayed in Chicago at my dad's, they consider him their grandfather. He told me how polite and well behaved he thought they were. I'm so proud of what great ambassadors for Nyumbani they are.
Today we're staying with another friend of Nyumbani, they been driving around all day in a convertible with the top down. Tomorrow we head into DC and meet with Global Aids and they get a tour of the Capitol.
They've visited three schools so far, Blessed Sacrament in Madison, a primary school in Sumner Iowa (when we were visiting their other favorite volunteer, Jim) and a primary school in Naperville, Il. I asked Brian how Kenyan kids were different from American kids and he said "they're all white!"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

pictures Click here for pictures of the lab visit. Still working on getting my pictures up. The hospital photographer took 300 pictures of the kids, will put some of them up when I get them.

Day 1 and 2

It's wonderful to have them here, they're having great fun. Everyone has been welcoming and so generous. Sunday we spent the day at Elizabeth's house, she made a great lunch after church. The kids were introduced at church to much applause, then we headed to her house for the rest of the day. They rode bikes, played with Jack and Emma, searched for Easter eggs and Easter baskets. We all send a big thank you to Elizabeth and Brandon for a great day. They got a World Atlas from Timmy's Liz's parents, maps of the US and photo albums from Brandon's mom. It was such a fun day to have everyone together.I loved seeing them all wrestle with Jack and Officer Tim!

Monday we went to the AIDS Vaccine Research Lab on the UW campus, where they got to do an experiment, they extracted DNA from a strawberry and mango.We then went to Wal-Mart to do some quick shopping, they all needed belts, they couldn't keep their pants up! One of the employees came and started speaking Swahili to them, he was from Kenya! It's like being an American somewhere in the world and recognizing another American. We all know each other!Then to UW Children's Hospital for a tour and a meeting with the CEO of the hospital. They had great gifts for the kids and again a warm welcome.

Today they have physical exams at the Pediatric Infectious Disease Clinic then on to Blessed Sacrament to spend the afternoon in an American school.So many memories being made, they love cereal with warm milk! shower gel and sleeping in. Think it's so cold here, it's been in the 40's and yesterday they actually saw a few snow flurries! Looking forward to warmer weather.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

They're here!!!!

They arrived this afternoon at O'Hare. There outside now playing soccer with some new American friends, Elijah Sara and Tatiana. It's so fun to see. They're excited exhausted and a little bit overwhelmed. They don't like applesauce!
More tomorrow night, pictures I promise.
My heart is full.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

On Their Way!

As I write this they are somewhere between Nairobi and London. Half the orphanage was on the school bus to take them to the airport! Protus said that John had to check in this morning and make sure it really was happening, even they know in Kenya nothing is for certain.
Protus (the director of the orphanage) was in touch with British Airways today. They are a sponsor of the Home, and the pilot for the flight had been to Nyumbani. So, they were making sure the kids and Uncle Joseph were well taken care of. Maybe even an upgrade!
They have a 5 hour layover in London, then on to Chicago.
This time tomorrow night they will be asleep in my house.
I'll post pictures of their arrival tomorrow night.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thoughts Before They Arrive

Getting the house ready, making plans, putting everything in place. It is overwhelmingly heartening how welcoming everyone has been. This trip wouldn't have happened without all the people who so generously gave. I am especially grateful to the children of Blessed Sacrament School here in Madison. They collected money, clothes, toiletries for the boys. American kids helping Kenyan kids. I will cherish the afternoon they all meet.

As I get ready, I think about when I first met the boys in 2003. It was the day after I arrived. I went into Cottage D to give them a message. They laughed at my stumbling efforts to speak Swahili, but encouraged me just the same. The 6 boys and I quickly became inseparable. John, George, Brian and the 3 Samuels. The death of each Samuel scarred my heart and soul, each was so brave and suffered so much. For me they became the symbol of the world's disregard.

This trip is my way of making it up to the surviving 3, I can show them that they do matter, the world does care.