Monday, February 18, 2008

Latest News

Lots to tell you about. I really hope people are still reading, I know I haven't been posting much but it's been hard getting the news. First, safety issues. Kids in Nyumbani and Village are all safe, kids in slums still continue to struggle. I heard this morning that Rosalia's family has been displaced and her brother shot. They are trying to get me more details. I can't even imagine how frightened she is.
The Americans are all safe, still doing their work. PEPFAR is still working on my project plans and return. The money has been budgeted but my return is at minimum weeks away. So frustrating.
Negotiations with the government for a political solution are ongoing and seem somewhat promising. Nothing like African politics!
One of the D boys, Sammy K is not doing well. It appears he lost sight in his right eye a few weeks ago and last Sunday became paralyzed on his right side, can't speak and has right hand tremors. He is sleeping a lot and appears to not be in any pain. When he's awake he eats and drinks, but really can't communicate. He is the most loving sweet not complaining boy. I will never understand why the children of Kenya suffer so much. His ARVS are not containing his virus anymore. I can't bear the thought of losing another Cottage D boy. I don't know how the kids will ever recover, how they can suffer so much loss and still go on.
I am continuing my fund raising to bring them here for a visit, I am blessed with all your generosity and I pray that Sammy recovers and gets to come too. My heart will be so lightened when I turn them over to American doctors.
To donate go to and earmark funds for Visit US!
Good family news: it's a girl! on the way for Elizabeth and Brandon and Ali has also been accepted at UW Medical School. Officer Tim and Liz are the proud owners of a beagle puppy named Bailey. Little boy is talking and growing like a weed. All my kids could actually be back in Wisconsin, while I'm in Kenya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Please keep the updates coming regarding sammy.
