Thursday, March 20, 2008

Update on Sammy

Dr. Jean B, a pediatrician from the UK, was able to return to Kenya last week. She and her husband, a micro economist, are there for 2 years with VSO, Volunteer Services Organization. She is the doctor who helped Ken so much at the end. They had been evacuated back to the UK when all the trouble happened but have now come back.
She emailed me this morning that she was able to examine Sammy, there also happened to be an American doctor visiting.
What she said was that he has had several strokes, due to the CMV and HIV. He is starting to recognize some people and say the "odd word." But, there has been extensive neurological damage and recovery is impossible. He is paralyzed. They also reviewed his ARV and viral load history, and the results of the tests that tested his virus against his ARVS.
There are no ARVs available in Kenya that will help him.
I don't know what to say.

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