Monday, April 20, 2009


We drove here yesterday, took 11 hours! These kids put American kids to shame, not one fight in the back seat, not one "are we there yet?" or "how much longer?" They don't even ask to stop to go to the bathroom!
Friday we stayed in Chicago at my dad's, they consider him their grandfather. He told me how polite and well behaved he thought they were. I'm so proud of what great ambassadors for Nyumbani they are.
Today we're staying with another friend of Nyumbani, they been driving around all day in a convertible with the top down. Tomorrow we head into DC and meet with Global Aids and they get a tour of the Capitol.
They've visited three schools so far, Blessed Sacrament in Madison, a primary school in Sumner Iowa (when we were visiting their other favorite volunteer, Jim) and a primary school in Naperville, Il. I asked Brian how Kenyan kids were different from American kids and he said "they're all white!"

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