Monday, April 6, 2009

Thoughts Before They Arrive

Getting the house ready, making plans, putting everything in place. It is overwhelmingly heartening how welcoming everyone has been. This trip wouldn't have happened without all the people who so generously gave. I am especially grateful to the children of Blessed Sacrament School here in Madison. They collected money, clothes, toiletries for the boys. American kids helping Kenyan kids. I will cherish the afternoon they all meet.

As I get ready, I think about when I first met the boys in 2003. It was the day after I arrived. I went into Cottage D to give them a message. They laughed at my stumbling efforts to speak Swahili, but encouraged me just the same. The 6 boys and I quickly became inseparable. John, George, Brian and the 3 Samuels. The death of each Samuel scarred my heart and soul, each was so brave and suffered so much. For me they became the symbol of the world's disregard.

This trip is my way of making it up to the surviving 3, I can show them that they do matter, the world does care.

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