Monday, October 1, 2007

It's A Girl!!!

I have the honor of announcing a new addition to Cottage D! On Friday a 6 month old baby girl, Eunice, came to us from Kenyatta National Hospital. Her mother died in childbirth, (like 150,000 African women a year) and she was abandoned there. She laid naked in a crib for 6 months, they don't have diapers or clothes for all the babies there. She was alone in the crib because she is HIV+, the negative ones share. She has been on ARVS and is very healthy, actually a little chubby! She smiles, looks around a lot,she doesn't babble, sit up or roll over but we're already working on that. She sucks her thumb.
I was taking care of the D kids on Friday afternoon while Mum Terry was at a meeting when the social worker brought her. The kids were sleeping and as each one woke up I laid her next to them and said "meet your new baby sister." They all cried. They have had so much loss in their life, D has lost 3 boys in 3 years. This baby was a gift to us.
On Saturday night we had a welcome to D party for her, we made brownies from a mix Beck had brought, had fanta soda!!! and officially introduced her to all her new siblings and mums. It was a wonderful joyous night, we sang and danced and cuddled her. Who knows what's going on in her head, she probably thinks she landed in Disneyworld! But she is so loved.
Pictures as soon as I can.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Congratulations Cottage D!!! May Eunice bring all of you much joy!