Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday Night

Just had a great good bye dinner at the Rusty Nail,(only here would they celebrate the cause of tetanus) back in time to tuck the D kids into bed. The boys are having a hard time, there were some tears. I reminded them that I promised before I would come back and I did and I will again.
Spent the day in town, last matatu rides, stopped by and said goodbye to Heather and Augustus, the people at the post office, the cyber cafe, the taxi drivers.... everyone who is part of my life here.
Here's 2 funny things: one day my old roommate Keirsten and I were on the matatu to town when I had to tell her that I thought I was hallucinating could she look out the window and confirm what I thought I was seeing. It was real, 4 camels walking down the middle of the road.
When we were leaving the cemetery the other day we saw a big warthog roaming around and eating the flowers off the graves.
24 hours to go.
Stay safe Officer Tim x0x0x0 Little Boy

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