Saturday, May 31, 2008

Kindness of Strangers

On my way home, will have more details when I arrive. Elizabeth called and said she is in early labor!! I am racing the stork to get there in time. Presently in London, will board soon and hopefully baby girl will stay put as I cross the Atlantic.
My seatmate from Nairobi turned out to be from an NGO based in London that specializes in reproductive health! Her boss was also on the flight, when we landed he offered me his international cell phone to call home and check on elizabeth and see if the baby had arrived. I was able to reach Ali and found out I still have some time.
Then when I checked in with Northwest they wanted to charge me $150 because I have 3 pieces of checked luggage, one half full suitcase, one empty suitcase and one certain gift for a little boy. Kenya Airways hadn't charged me in Nairobi, I pleaded my case, the Northwest agent took pity on me and me let me go without paying!!!
Life is good.

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