Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Good news and a few corrections.

Ken's cd4 count is now 34!! It's gone from 1 to 16 to 34. Of course normal for his age would be around 500, but he's heading in the right direction.At least now if he gets sick he has a little something to fight with. If only we could get him to gain some weight...
I do these blogs so quickly because of the intermittent power, can't always take the time to proofread. and then it bugs me. Anyway,it's Kenyatta International Airport (not national), Heather is another Fulbrighter here in Nairobi, not at Nyumbani.And it should say I "may" not "make"like her for her baby! Which really isn't true, she is truly awesome. I think everything else was okay! or in Swahili "sowa sowa."


Anonymous said...

hi susan,

i think it is highly unlikely you remember me, but i listened to your lecture on your first adventure in kenya (n105) and it made me so inspired to get involved in health care internationally. i just completed a three week service learning course in kampala uganda (with dr. baumann, i think you are probably familiar with the course) and it was a wonderful experience. i can't wait to go back to uganda someday. thank you for keeping a chronicle of your experiences, it helps me to feel a little like i am there again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan!! Glad you've arrived safely back with your kids. It was so great to see you in May--can't believe you will home in a few weeks!! I hope Julia liked her p.j.'s. Give her a kiss for me and one for you, too. xoxo Linda-babe