Thursday, June 28, 2007

Catching Up

It's been a quiet week here. Can't download pictures because the signal is so weak. The weather has been "cold" in the high 50's and gray.Not a lot of sun around, doesn't seem like Africa. The kids pretty much stay inside when the weather is like this, they wrap in their blankets. They're all so thin, they chill so easily. I'm already hearing more coughs, more wheezes, wiping more runny noses. I'll be glad when the warm days and nights are back, they say sometime in August. Still, for a winter it's not bad! I went up to Kericho for 2 days, one night and one hot shower. I trained the staff of a group called Live With Hope,they can now teach the curriculum. Again, it's so gratifying to see how much they embrace it. People of all ages just want to know. I have an appointment on July 16th with African Flying Doctors. They are interested in the program and want to discuss training etc. We have a new baby, Anthony. He's 6 months old, has been lost in the shuffle in kenyatta hospital for 3 months, since his mom abandoned him. He's pretty scrawny, but big alert eyes. He's in Cottage G, all of us in Cottage D are campaigning for the next baby.
Ali arrives Friday night, the rest of them on Tuesday. Can't wait.
Stay safe Officer Tim, xoxoxo little boy, I'll take good care of your mom and dad

1 comment:

Douglas Gold said...

hello: so happy to finally read your blogs. i am a bit slow. mostly well with me. steve sheney seems to finaly be getting well after months of diabetes related illnesses including heart attacks and seizures. he even needed to be resuscitated several times. Now he livesin FL with his sister.
Love, Doug