Thursday, February 22, 2007

odds and ends

I went to the wednesday clinic yesterday, vaccinated 68 babies!! They're having an intensive country wide polio vacciine effort right now, actually going door to door. It felt good to be doing my part. The day was filled with screaming babies as usual. One little boy about a year was laying there just staring at me, finally he reached up with both hands and just tugged on my hair! Couldn't resist gray mizungo hair!!
Tuesday night was birthday night at Nyumbani. Because there are so many kids and they don't know exact dates they just celebrate at one time all the birthdays that fall in that month. For February in Cottage D it was just Awino's 8th.She was so excited, just beside herself all day. We put a sign up, had some balloons. The kitchen makes them a cake with their name on it, and they get a little bag of donated gifts. They discourage volunteers from buying more, you can't do it for all the kids. Just like at home it has to be equal! It was such a special night, we all wore our cottage D we are family shirts, sang their special happy birthday song (they add " I look on you with a smile..." "I look on you with hope...") there was lots of laughing and clapping. Awino has to wear these goofy thick as coke bottle glasses, she kind of looks like a grasshopper! But her whole little face was so lit up, these kids have been through so much, have suffered and seen so much and to see the pleasure with which they celebrate their life was one of the most meaningful experiences for me. If you could have seen her face when she opened her present bag and found 2 used shirts, 2 coloring books, a puzzle and a toy horse. They also all very loudly count from zero to the birthday age and then she blows out the candles, a reflection I think of what an accomplishment it is to be HIV+ in this country and reach the age of 8. I've been listening to a lot of Raffi, the children's folksinger on my IPOD, the sick kids love it-the party so reminded me of my favorite song:"all I really need is a song in my heart, food in my belly and love in my family" and especially the lines: I need clean water for drinking and clean air for breathing so that I can grow up strong and take my place where I belong." Doesn't seem much to ask from the rest of the world does it?
Can't wait until next month's birthdays. I'll try to post pictures of Awino's.
No hot showers, plan to spend Saturday night and Sunday at Mum Ann's. Working hard on the project, PEPFAR intern came to Nyumbani this morning to meet everyone. I have been invited to the big meeting on March 8th, PEPFAR, CDC, Dept. of Defense, and USAID. I will have a meeting with the country coordinator before. Running with the big dogs!!
Ken is about the same, fevers have abated but continues to throw up just about everything he eats. Not good when your 10 and you only weigh 28 pounds. Sammy was better but came home from school early today not feeling well.
Stay safe Timmy, xoxoxo little boy, who's starting to walk!!!

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