Saturday, February 10, 2007


Yesterday I went to the American Embassy to pick up my boxes of Fulbright project stuff etc., meet with the Cultural Affairs Officer and the PEPFAR staff. Had a great meeting with Justus of CA, he bought me real iced tea! Then when I went to the PEPFAR office (that stands for the Presidents Emergency Program For AIDS Relief, check with Ali for details) It's essentially America's response to the crisis, and since we have all the money we have all the answers. Anyway they put me in touch with the person who is in charge of all the ARVS. I told him about Sammy and there is no way that boy can die because of no drug availability, especially when they do.exist in the world. I have found out too that part of Sammy's resistance problem is that in the beginning when they were first becoming available and he was getting them they often had to stop because they ran out, which causes resistance. PEPFAR John was very helpful and has promised to do what he can to get Sammy the drugs he needs. We start the process on Monday. If that is the only thing I accomplish while I'm here this has all been worth it. There is also an American MD here for a few days, he was here in 1998, and he has looked over Sammy's chart and is willing to help us. Sammy continues to be quite ill, we're taking turns sleeping in the sick room with him. They brought in a bed so it's a lot more comfortable. today I took him for a chest x-ray, a 3 hour ordeal. Unofficially he has an infection in his lung, we can go back after 3 and pick up the films and the official results. The good thing is the american doc will be able to look at the actual films. Nothing is easy here.
Jim and I did go out to dinner last night with Kate, dr. George, and some other people. It was good, relaxing, a welcome break.
Tomorrow all the volunteers are going on some field trip with all the kids, to some old African village. Should be interesting, if not chaotic.
Ken with his 1 CD4 is holding his own.
happy birthday aunt shirl,sorry I missed you when I called I will try again. xoxoxxo little boy.Timmy stay safe

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Cuz - just wanted to know I dropped in on your blog tonight. A few tears later, I want you to know how proud I am of you and what you are doing. Sending you lots of love and prayers.